Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Rick Scoville aka The Texas Vagabond Says..."Ponder This"!

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Partake, Enjoy, Proceed

Uncle Ricky

The Texas Vagabond  (My Personal Blog)

Proud Vietnam Veteran

By E.P. Unum
January 5, 2022
Welcome to Year 3 of the Chinese Virus.  Here are some thoughts as we begin a new year under the Biden Build Back Broke Disintegration Plan:
ü According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years.  We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years.  So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources?  Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?
ü Isn’t it curious that in some states like California, Washington, Illinois, and New York, shoplifting of items less than $950 is not a crime but the Biden Build Back Better Spendalooza calls for hiring 87,000 IRS agents to monitor individual banking transactions of $600 or more?  Fascinating.
ü We recently celebrated Christmas a week or so ago.  Some neighbors refused to shout “Ho, Ho Ho” for fear that it might be insulting to Vice President Kamala Harris.  No joke!
ü I earned a B in college Chemistry and a C in Organic Chemistry, so I am not an authority on the subject.  But someone needs to educate me as to how we are going to produce all the batteries needed to facilitate a transition away from fossil fuels to battery-driven vehicles when the basic ingredients for batteries are all found in rare minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and zinc and others, all of which must be mined in countries not exactly friendly to us.  Also, if you have ever driven on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the 405 in Southern California and were stuck in traffic, how exactly will the repair truck reach a disabled vehicle before their battery dies…along with the batteries of all the other vehicles in traffic?
ü When will construction start to build the 500,000 battery charging stations Joe Biden told us about?  Where will they be situated? Won’t they be powered by burning fossil fuels? 
ü Where are those 500,000,000 home Covid tests Joe Biden promised?
ü I’m trying to wrap my head around all the dire predictions about how arctic ice is melting at an extraordinary rate thus contributing to rising sea levels which will prove catastrophic according to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the bartender, turned Congresswoman.  Then I note that Barack Hussein Obama purchased a $12 million waterfront home on Martha’s Vineyard.  This is in addition to the multi-million-dollar home he owns in Washington D.C.  Now, who does that if you believe the oceans are rising?  Barack Obama is many things, but he is not stupid.  Could this climate change thing be a bit of false hysteria?
ü The ubiquitous Tony Fauci is at it again, whispering in the ear of Joe Biden that it may be time to issue an executive order mandating Vaccine Passport IDs be shown before any traveler can board an aircraft here in the U.S.  This of course will require the creation of a CVP…Chinese Vaccine Police to ensure compliance.  This is not fiction; it is being discussed even as I write.  Such action is sure to sound the death knell for the airline industry which already is struggling with excessive regulations, escalating fuel costs, and passengers whose emotions are frayed by all of this nonsense.  But Tony Fauci will not stop at this.  See next point.
ü Fauci will one day assume the role of Travel Czar.  His first announcement probably made at one of his many press conferences after a CNN or MSNBC talk show appearance will be something like this:  “Any travelers from South Africa will now be required to fly first to Mexico City, catch a bus to the southern border of the U.S., walk across and then catch a taxpayer-funded Air Biden Flight to the U.S. City of their choice (in the middle of the night) where free hotel, food, medical care, and an ample supply of N95 masks will be provided free of charge.”  Just kidding.  Did you see where the masks came from that were recently sent out to hospitals to use? ......  China   
ü If you ever feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, try to remember that it took 20 years, trillions of dollars and four Presidents to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with……….the Taliban.
ü If you feel your job is hard and you are unappreciated, think about the poor slob who serves as the sign language interpreter for Joe Biden.
ü Let me try to understand this:  we can’t seem to find illegals to deport, but we can sure find them to give them money!  How does that work?
ü Do you know a major difference between animals and humans?  Animals would never allow the dumbest one to lead the pack.
ü I saw a photo of Joe Biden enjoying a large ice cream cone. The thought that ran through my head was, it must be nice to eat ice cream as fast as you want and not have to worry about brain freezes.
ü If there was a barnyard election, the pigs would always vote for the person that feeds them and gives them treats, even though that same person is going to slaughter them someday.  That same philosophy is the very definition of socialism.
ü Memo to Generation Z and the Woke Generation:  The Stars and Stripes that fly over our Nation’s Capital and are wrapped around the coffins of our honored dead who sacrificed their lives to keep us free, is my Flag.  I will never apologize for it.  The Flag does not stand for skin color, race, or religion.  It stands for freedom.  Never forget that!



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