Saturday, November 28, 2020

Rick Scoville aka The Texas Vagabond Posts His Joke Of The Day!

Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas
Hyperlinks In Gold Below

Partake, Enjoy, Proceed

Uncle Ricky

The Texas Vagabond  (My Personal Blog)

Proud Vietnam Veteran


Some guys at a bar were playing a drinking game that involved trying to bounce quarters into a glass of beer
an the loser had to chug the beer. One of the guys had to chug a beer that had the quarter at the bottom of the glass and accidentally swallowed the quarter and was choking on it.

A woman at the bar saw the man choking. She jumped up, ran over to the choking man, yanked the man's pants down and started twisting the man's balls clockwise in a circle - tighter and tighter - until the man heaved the quarter from his throat and out of his mouth.

An observer was astonished at the immediate and decisive action taken by this woman. He said, "Miss, that was amazing! Are you a doctor?"

She Said, "No, I'm A Divorce Attorney." 

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Happy New Year Hyperlinks In Gold Below Partake, Enjoy, Proceed Uncle Ricky The Texas Vagabond    (My Personal Blog) Proud Vietnam Veteran F...

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