Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Rick Scoville aka The Texas Vagabond Presents More Good Medical News From Israel!

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Partake, Enjoy, Proceed

Uncle Ricky

The Texas Vagabond  (My Personal Blog)

Proud Vietnam Veteran

Israelis do not make islands in the shape of palm trees, nor towering skyscrapers, nor expensive hotels, nor do their leaders use cars with solid silver bodies (a clear allusion to Dubai and the United Arab Emirates).

The pride of the State of Israel is that its technologies will soon be able to be used by all humanity:

1. The University of Tel Aviv is developing a nasal vaccine that will protect people from Alzheimer’s and stroke.

2. Technion, Institute of Technology (Haifa), developed a simple blood test capable of detecting different types of cancer.

3. The Ichlov Center (Tel Aviv) has isolated a protein that makes colonoscopy unnecessary to detect colon cancer with a simple blood test. Colon cancer kills about 500,000 people annually.

4. Acne does not kill anyone, but it causes anxiety and dissatisfaction in teenagers. The Curlight Laboratory created a cure by emitting UV rays - high intensity, which eliminates the bacteria that produce acne without generating additional complications.

5. The Given Imaging Laboratory has developed a tiny camera in the form of pills that are swallowed and that transmit thousands of photos of the digestive tract. These high quality photos (2 per second for 8 hours) can detect polyps, cancers and sources of bleeding. The photos are sent to a chip that stores them and sends them to a computer. At the end of the process, the camera is eliminated by the rectum.

6. The Hebrew University (Jerusalem) has developed an electrical neurostimulator (batteries) that is implanted in the chest of patients with Parkinson’s, similar to a pacemaker. Emissions from this device block nervous signals that produce tremors.

7. The simple odor of a patient’s breath can detect whether a patient has lung cancer. The Russel Berrie Institute for Nanotechnology has created sensors capable of perceiving and registering 42 biological markers that indicate the presence of lung cancer without the need for biopsy.

8. It is possible to dispense with catheterization in many cases. Endopat is a device placed between the index fingers, which can measure the state of the arteries and predict the possibility of a heart attack for the next 7 years.

9. Bar Ilan University is studying a new drug that fights viruses by blood. It is called the Vecoy Trap because it tricks a virus into self-destruction. Very useful to fight Hepatitis, and in the future AIDS and Ebola.

10. It is possible that Israeli scientists at Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) discovered the first cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehring’s Disease, in an orthodox rabbi. Stephen Hawking, a famous British scientist, suffered from this disease and to communicate he used methods invented by Israeli scientists.

11. Israel’s Mekorot National Water Company just finalized a deal to provide Bahrain with desalination technology for brackish water.

Israel is a society that for many years faced hostility from its neighbors and had no oil. “So, over the years, Israel learned to go from isolation and scarcity to abundance and global influence by developing its own explosive innovation economy in areas such as water, solar, cyber, military, medical, finance and agriculture.”

Not only bad news lives in the world. Information
 like this is what is needed and must be disclosed!

Reprinted from...
More good medical news from Israel - Heritage Florida Jewish News


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Hyperlinks In Gold Or Blue Below Partake, Enjoy, Proceed Uncle Ricky The Texas Vagabond    (My Personal Blog) Proud Vietnam Veteran Founde...

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